#WriterWednesday is an opportunity for people to recommend their favorite writers on twitter. I don't know who started #WriterWednesday, but I thank you! (If anyone knows, please share.)
To participate, all you have to do is recommend your favorite writers in a tweet, and add the hashtag #WriterWednesday to your post.
If you want to find writers to follow on twitter, simply insert the hashtag #WriterWednesday in the search box on your twitter homepage, and start checking out the writers being recommended.
Here are some of my favorite writers on twitter:
1. @JaneFriedman Jane Friedman
Jane Friedman is the editorial director and publisher of the Writer's Digest community of products and services: Writer's Digest Books, Writer's Digest Magazine, and the Writer's Market series. As busy as all that keeps her, she still makes time to blog and tweet. Her Writer's Digest blog, There Are No Rules, is amazingly helpful and should be bookmarked by every writer. It includes a weeky Best Tweets for Writers post that hightlights tweets that are linked to great articles of interest to writers. Her tweets are just as helpful. Follow Her!
(I recently interviewed Jane for the WritingSpirit Book Writer's Community and she very generously shared her knowledge and wisdom about the current state of book publishing--how the publishing industry has changed due to the economy and technological advances, and how it's continuing to evolve--and what to do to have the best chance to get your book published.)
2. @MarkDavidGerson Mark David Gerson
Mark David Gerson is a dear friend of mine that I met on twitter! He wrote one of my all time favorite books on writing The Voice of the Muse: Answering the Call to Write. It is imbued with Mark David's wisdom and warmth, grew out of his own writing experience (his novel The MoonQuest, and The Voice of the Muse have won many book awards), and his years as a creativity coach. His blog The Voice of Your Muse carries on this wonderful abundance of riches, as does his tweets on twitter. Follow Him!
3. @DonnaKozik Donna Kozik
Donna Kozik is the creator of the wonderful Write a Book in a Weekend Events. She's refined the book writing process into a system that helps people write a book (or at least a first draft) FAST! She generously shares writing tips on twitter, and tweets her support to those on the book writing journey. Follow Her!
4. @TheCreativePenn Joanna Penn
Joanna Penn is an author, speaker and business consultant based in Australia (although she's British!). She is the author of How to Enjoy Your Job, and enjoyed the writing process so much that she wrote From Idea to Book, and From Book to Market. Her website, The Creative Penn, has great articles, lots of writing freebies, and is an excellent example of a well thought-out and executed writer's website. Follow Her!
5. @InkyElbows Debbie Ridpath Ohi
Debbie Ridpath Ohi is a freelance writer and illustrator based in Toronto, and the author of The Writer’s Online Marketplace (Writer’s Digest Books, 2001). Her blog, InkyGirl.com: Daily Diversions for Writers, is a fabulous resource for writers filled with informative articles, twitter tips, and her wonderful "Will Write for Chocolate" cartoons! Her twitter stream is equally full of writerly delights. Follow Her!
And please follow me:
@WritingSpirit Julie Isaac
I'm an award winning author and creativity coach, the creator and host of #writechat (a live weekly chat for writers on Twitter every Sunday from 12pm-3pm PST, attended by 200-300 writers weekly), and the founder of the WritingSpirit Book Writers Community. There are lots of great articles, writing resources, and twitter tips at my WritingSpirit Blog, and I'm currently writing Brainstorming Your Blog to help writers brainstorm their blog strategy, content, and promotion. Follow Me for writing and blogging tips, #writechat news, and a whole lot more!
Who are your favorite writers on twitter?