For the story of how this fabulous infographic, by Andreea Ayers, got over 50,000 repins on Pinterest, scroll down to the bottom of this post.
I recently had the pleasure of spending three full days at a virtual publicity workshop on given by the author of this infographic, Andreea Ayers. As an author and blogger, I found her story quite inspiring. Although she didn't say how long it took her to write the original blog post this infographic was based upon, she did share that it took her two hours to transform that information into this infographic at
After completing it, she asked a couple of her friends to post this on their websites. She also decided to use as many of the "30 Ways" that she'd written about to promote the blog post on her own website that contained this infographic. It soon began to take off, and she used its success as the subject of several guest posts on other people's blogs.
Over the last year 30 Ways to Promote Your Blog Posts has been repinned on Pinterest over 50,000 times!!!
One of the most important realizations I came away with from Andreea's workshop is that publicity is not the Holy Grail. Getting quoted in an article, guest blogging, being interviewed on the radio or television, winning an award--all of those things are wonderful and can definitely generate web traffic and sales (although usually not as much as you'd imagined or hoped it would). Their real and lasting value comes from how well you leverage them.
So publicity isn't the end of promotion, it's the beginning. Get the news out about your publicity in every way you can--on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+, as well as your blog, newsletter, press page, and anywhere else and in any other way you can think of.
I'd like to leave you with two thoughts:
- What blog posts can you turn into infographics?
- How can you leverage any publicity you've gotten (even if you got it a while ago) to get the most mileage out of it?
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