I’m trying out a new idea, here, so let me know if you like it. Rather than post #writechat transcripts which can go on FOREVER (It’s a three hour live chat, after all, with some transcripts running up to 90 pages!), I’m going to post some of the highlights (the tips, tools, and wisdom shared) of each week’s discussion.
Today's #writechat topic: IDEAS! How do you get them, choose between them, and develop them from beginning to end?
Now, some of the highlights from our wonderful #writechat peeps:
A lot of times, I think writing is like playing pretend. Take an idea from anywhere and go nuts with it. #writechat
I get character ideas from random people in public. Then my husband tells me to stop staring. Apparently it's creepy. #writechat
Showers are incredible idea factories! As are walks, and that wonderful time between sleep and wakefulness. #writechat
Variety, both random and sought will ever be a great source of inspiration #writechat
Any repetitive work that disengages the mind will invite ideas. #writechat
I've discovered that ideas are everywhere, if you let the ideas associate & stew, the best ones become evident #writechat
#writechat The best ideas are welcome uninvited guests. It's no good trying to drag them in. Just leave your door open...
Both J.K. Rowlings & Stephanie Meyers wrote their dreams into world-changing books. #writechat
I find that in editing a story, it changes completely and I don’t recognize the original idea, but it’s a better story #writechat
If a topic keeps bugging the crap out of me, I know it's time to write about it. #writechat
I write the first draft like my hair's on fire, and then outline to find the weaknesses in plot and character. #writechat
Problem: Some ideas don't pan out. The trick is to know when to abandon them, and move on to #2 on your priority list. #writechat
Sometimes, looking at my failed story ideas, I try to extract the spark that seduced me...and find a home for it elsewhere. #writechat
A good outline can be the excuse needed to prevent a mediocre draft. But a mediocre draft is more valuable than a good outline #writechat
Developing & finishing are part of what makes a successful professional -- sticking to it, persistence, dedication, commitment #writechat
How do you get ideas, choose between them, and develop them from beginning to end?